You might think how base conversion worked out in JavaScript. Here the solution, Number to Base Value Number.toString([radix]); Number - Integer number that is to be converted radix - base value either 2, 8, 16 (optional parameter) Example: <script> //INTEGER TO BASE VALUE var n = 42; document.write(n.toString(2)); document.write(n.toString(8)); document.write(n.toString(16)); //HEX TO base var h = 0xa; document.write(n.toString(2)); document.write(n.toString(8)); </script> Output: 101010 52 2a 1010 12 Any Base value to In tege r value parseInt(string, [radix]); string - string that is to be converted. The string can be binary value, octal value or hexadecimal value radix - base value either 2, 8, 16 (optional parameter) Example: <script> //Binary to integer document.write(parseInt('111',2)); //Octal to integer document.write(parseInt('12',8)); //Hex to integer document.write(parseInt('0xc',16)); </sc...
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